Biofeedback can be an effective tool in the treatment of ADHD, but what about biofeedback and ADD therapy? Attention deficit is present in both symptom complexes, but in ADHD other symptoms make daily life difficult. In terms of the ADD connection of biofeedback, we can find just as effective a therapy as for ADHD. When used on a weekly basis, biofeedback therapy can successfully reduce the onset of severe symptoms, often as an adjunctive therapy to reduce the amount of medication needed.
What is ADD
We hear more about ADHD than ADD, although the two terms are not far apart. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is primarily a disorder of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
It is not really a disease, but rather a deviation from the norm, with different behaviour, thinking and reactions.
ADD is a group on the ADHD spectrum. It is characterised by the same attention deficit, but no hyperactivity or impulsivity. It is also known in professional circles as inattentive ADHD. It accounts for roughly 30% of all ADHD.
How can biofeedback help in the treatment of ADD
Today, medical science has shown that ADHD and ADD can be linked to structural, functional or neurotransmitter system abnormalities in different regions of the brain.
This opens up the possibility of a more precise diagnosis of ADHD, based not only on the opinion of a psychiatrist or educational specialist, but also on measurements made with special equipment.
Abroad, QEEG-based diagnostics are already being used to diagnose ADHD and ADD, and brainwave training to improve the brain function of individuals with ADHD.
Neurofeedback therapy involves the optimisation of brain waves, resulting in more balanced brain functioning.
Biofeedback devices, whether QUEX ED or QUEX S, allow the body’s self-healing power to be triggered, to correct imbalances.
In individuals with ADHD, the frontal and parietal lobes function abnormally. This is where information is organised, concentrated and processed. Their brain waves do not vibrate at the frequencies that are naturally prescribed.
Every cell in our body vibrates at its own designed frequency, emitting electromagnetic waves. Quantum biofeedback devices are able to measure and analyse these and, using the principles of electrical engineering, train the unbalanced brain waves back to normal frequencies. They send soft electrical impulses through the body.
Biofeedback therapy
Biofeedback therapy can be a painless and non-invasive treatment for ADD, where the biofeedback device measures the individual’s current brainwaves, analyses them and improves brain function by balancing and balancing energy in areas that function differently from normal.
Biofeedback therapy uses the power of gamification. The quantum biofeedback device analyses brain waves from the frontal lobe and limbic system using highly sensitive EEG sensors.
The biofeedback therapist runs targeted software to enhance concentration. The patient is hooked up to the biofeedback device (with EEG sensors on the head) and has to perform specific tasks requiring concentration using brain power. No keyboard and no mouse, just brain power! Depending on the patient’s performance, the animation reacts differently and if this training is repeated several times, the brain will be able to concentrate for a longer period of time.
Benefits of biofeedback
The benefits of biofeedback therapy include:
- non-invasive treatment
- no side effects
- no pain, no discomfort
- quantitative measurement test possible
- an accurate treatment plan can be set up, the progress of which can be clearly and quantifiably monitored
- can reduce the amount of medication needed in many cases
- can also be used as an adjunctive therapy
- pregnancy is not an exclusion for biofeedback treatment
- can help people to take better control of their health
- it can often help with illnesses where there is no clear diagnosis or treatment because they are mainly caused by anxiety or stress